BAR+ is a server for the annotation of protein sequences relying on a comparative large-scale genome analysis across 988 species and the entire UniProt. With BAR+ and a sequence/set of sequences (maximum number per run=50) you can annotate when possible: function (Gene Ontology), structure and ligands (Protein Data Bank), structural classification (SCOP), protein domains (Pfam). Also if your sequence falls into a cluster with a structural/some structural template/s we provide an alignment towards the template/templates based on the Cluster-HMM (HMM profile) that allows you to directly compute your 3D model. Cluster HMMs (over 10.000) are available for downloading.
Enter UniProt accessions

e.g. Q8DN23 P0CH25 Q28654 (*)
Paste your sequences (FASTA format)

Upload a file (FASTA format)

Receive an E-mail when your job finished*


Insert the job-ID to resume your work*

*Your jobs will be kept for 1 week!

Sequence already clustered in BAR+
Sequence that falls in clusters with Sequence Identity ≥ 40% and Coverage ≥ 90% (validated annotation)
Sequence that falls in clusters with Sequence Identity < 40% and Coverege < 90% (not-validated annotation)
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